Gallatin Mountains, Range in Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park
> Mountains
> Gallatin Mountain Range

Gallatin Mountain Range

Located directly north of Yellowstone National Park, the Gallatin Range is flanked on the west by the Gallatin River, on the east by the Yellowstone River, and on the north by I-90 and the Bridger Mountain Range.

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What can I see and do in the Gallatin Mountains?

You can access this mountain range from the Gallatin River Canyon along the west side or Paradise Valley along the east. Here are a few highlights:

  • Camping and Cabins
    The Gallatin National Forest Service manages a number of campgrounds along the Gallatin River, as well as a handful of rental cabins throughout the Gallatin Range. Forest Service Cabin rentals offer a unique backcountry experience for the park visitor.
  • Fishing
    Fly fishing is ideal along the Gallatin or Yellowstone Rivers. While most anglers fish from the shore along the Gallatin, you can easily float and fish the Yellowstone.
  • Hiking
    In the northwest corner of the park, a number of trails lead deep into the Gallatin Mountain Range. From Mammoth, hike along Glen Creek towards Electric Peak (the highest peak in the Gallatins). From West Yellowstone, drive north and hike along Specimen or Daly Creeks.
  • Ice Climbing
    Along the northern edge of the Gallatin Mountains and just 5 miles south of Bozeman, Hyalite Canyon hosts some of the most consistent ice climbing around.

Where is the Gallatin Mountain Range?

Located directly north of Yellowstone National Park, the Gallatin Range runs south to north between Yellowstone and Bozeman. On the west it is bordered by the Gallatin River and on the east it is bordered by the Yellowstone River. To the north, you can access the Gallatin Mountains via I-90.

Who can I call if I have more questions?

Call the Gallatin National Forest office at (406) 522-2520.